
Showing posts from August, 2009

Words ~ Bronwyn Desjardins

Words In words I find my peace With words man was created Without words I will cease. My words bring me comfort My words bring me joy To pain - my words give a voice To love - my words give choice Words - so many! Which to choose? Today I write - the letters fuse – Screaming, Bleeding, Loving, Needing, inkless on this virtual page Words my saviour - me the sage Thank you words - for being my friend For giving me safety - a netted blend of letters, names, phrases and verbs In the beginning - the word In the end - the word Forever - words. Wise Oracles Real Divine and Spiritual... WORDS.

Dawn to Dusk – Born to Mourn ~ Bronwyn Desjardins

I left you, one centimetre, one milestone at a time. I watched you watch me leave – one year at a time. You praised my progress and encouraged me all the way, Until the day I left and you grew silent, for a moment. You praised my independence, but I saw your pain – it was mine too. In the wings you watch and catch me when I fall – still. You speak of when you will leave me and I grow silent. For that day, that hour, I curse. This fruit of your womb fears life without you, For the cord was cut but we were not unbound. Upon your death, I will be your legacy, you say. Someone to hold your hand on your last day. But, I don’t think I’ll have the strength to face that! Who will hold me then? Who will catch my tears and tell me it’ll be ok? This merry-go-round of life and death makes no sense at all, So I cling to the moments I have now, I embrace them big and small. Love can be painful and unkind. The fruit of it is what we leave behind. I know my time will come too when I will leave my two....