My Father's Son (18 November 2008)

My Father's Son - Bronwyn Desjardins

The pungent, sour smell of horse manure and the stale smell of urine fills the air.
I startle him as I enter the stable, hay crunching beneath my black Doc Martens – red laces.
His head turns in my direction, his eyes searching my face for a motive for this late intrusion.
I reveal the steel blade I’ve kept hidden until now. Its ominous presence is reflected back at me in his mustang eyes.
I have the upper hand.
Equine muscles quiver in fear.
I step toward him.
My assault is swift and violent.
The gelding surrenders and slumps to the floor in a dark fit of screams, a stallion no more. In my hands, I hold his pride – sticky and crimson – his stolen manhood.
I am my father’s son.


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